In this video you will find out about the BabyPRL method and how we are able to say that none of your child’s teeth have to be silver any more. Dr. Baghai helps you overcome some of the misconceptions that you may have been told about your options if your child has multiple cavities.

If you would like to discover more about the BabyPRL method, and how your child can have white zirconia dental crows for any of his/her teeth – not just those in the front of the mouth, then you are welcome to visit this page to discover more.

You also are welcome to call us today at (972) 674-9966 to schedule a consultation. Since we are based in the Dallas area, and most times all in-office work can be done in one appointment, then we can serve parents and their children from across the United States who would prefer that their kids only have white crowns instead of stainless steel (“silver”) crowns.