No, you are not a bad parent, and no, your child’s only option is not silver crowns!
My kid loves to brush and doesn’t eat lots of sweets, why does he still get cavities?
Nobody wants their child to have cavities. But cavities happen. And when they do, people make
incorrect assumptions about you and your child. We will discuss situations when parents are doing
everything right but their child still gets cavities. So don’t feel bad, it is not always your fault. We also
have the solution to avoid people’s judgements. Keep reading.
Although brushing regularly and avoiding too much sugar are very important to good oral health,
cavities are much more complicated than that.
There are many parents who are scratching their heads wondering why their child is getting cavities
when they are doing everything they are supposed to. They feel terrible, as if they have let their
children down and that they are bad parents.
Do you know people who are always eating candy but have perfect teeth? These lucky folks fall on the
opposite end of the spectrum from those who do everything right and still get cavities. We will discuss
them in a bit. Just keep in mind that these two groups have something very important in common.
In this post we will cover a few groups who do all they can and their child still ends up with cavities. So,
no, you are NOT bad parents.
Below are a few of the most common reasons:
1) A Drinking Problem

Frequent drinking of sports drinks, Juice and milk cause cavities. Just
because the sugar in them is natural doesn’t mean they are safe. This
problem is easy to fix because all parents have to do is to make their
kids drink water. (Easier said than done, but at least possible!)
2) Underlying Medical Condition

Kids usually can’t take pills, when they are sick their medicine is in a
syrup. Many medical conditions require kids to take their syrupy
multiple times a day for many years; their teeth are covered in sugar
all day long. The parents are stressed because their child is ill, and
the child is usually tired of all the medicine they have to take. Is
brushing their teeth 5-6 times a day reasonable to expect? It is not
fair to compare this child’s dental routine to a healthy child’s.
3) Dry Mouth

There are many medications for common childhood conditions that
dry the mouth. Saliva is a huge protector of the teeth and when it
dries up, cavities go rampant. Medications for asthma, ADHD and
allergies are among the many examples that cause dry mouth. What
is worse, some kids will reach for sugary drinks to wet their dry
mouth. With low saliva, the sugar will stay on their teeth much
longer to create even more cavities.
4) No Spaces Between Kids Teeth

Kids with spaces between their teeth are lucky; they are less likely to
need braces later, and they get fewer cavities. The kids who do
everything right and still get cavities almost always get them
between their primary molars once the gaps close around age 4.
You can see in this x-ray the cavities are between the teeth, where
the teeth are touching.
5) Microbiology

Do you remember the lucky few who eat all the candy they want
and have perfect teeth? That is because they have fewer of the
bacteria that cause cavities. And the unlucky ones have more of the
bad bacteria. We know little about the behavior of bacterial
communities but thanks to recent advances in science, we are
learning quickly. What we do know is that there is little we can do
to change them. What IS effective is to permanently reducing our
sugar intake and practicing excellent oral hygiene.
But There is Hope!
Nobody needs to know your child ever had a cavity!!! Zirconia makes it possible! If
your child has visible cavities, you don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of other people’s opinions. If
there are 4 or less cavities, we would be glad to help you find a local pediatric dentist. If there are more
than 4 cavities, your options will be very limited. We can help; even if your child has cavities on all 20
teeth, we a make them all white.
If your dentist is recommending silver crowns for your child’s teeth, the Baby PRL Method may be just
the thing to help restore your child’s confidence and smile. All treatment is done in one visit, so you can
go back to your dentist for regular cleanings. We would be glad to speak with your dentist to introduce
them to BabyPRL. We work together with your dentist and we stand by our results.
Garland Pediatric Dentistry is the first office that offers BabyPRL. For more information about the Baby
PRL Method, please visit our website or make an appointment for a consultation with my team today.
Email: Smile@BABYPRL.COM
Phone: (972)-674-9965