How can 100% pure fruit juice be bad? It’s natural!
It has all the benefits of water plus vitamins and minerals that you need. Water has no taste! What about the ones that say “No Added Sugar“? These are frequent responses we get when we tell parents they should give their children water to drink.
Fruit juices slip under the radar for parents and don’t get the scrutiny that candy gets. They come from fruits so they must be good for you. We meet many parents who feel water would deprive their child of something beneficial in fruit juice. Those parents frequently do not like to drink water either.
What is less frequently emphasized is that natural sugars have a very similar effect on the body as table sugar. They cause cavities and spike the blood sugar wreaking havoc on almost every one of your organs, but since the effects are gradual we get distracted by more urgent matters like work, bills and Disneyland.

I think it is time to share with you a secret about dentists and their drinking habits; except for special occasions, water is the primary drink for them and their families.
The large marketing budgets of big beverage companies are hard to compete with, but I wanted to share with you warnings from 3 reputable sources against drinking too much fruit juice. Below are articles from the American Dental Association, the Australian Dental Association and French Public Health authorities:
The ADA (American Dental Association)says: Fruit juice is not a necessary or even a desirable part of a healthy diet for young children. Ouch, it is not even desirable!
The ADA (Australian Dental Association) cites an article in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) that is even more blunt: Fruit juices may be as bad for peoples’ health as soft drinks . Yes, that applies to adults too!
The best solution is to allow children to limit fruit juice drinking to special occasions only. The main beverage should be water. The link below is the recommendation of the French public health officials:
Fruit juice intake has to be limited and other beverages restricted to occasional use
So be careful about what your kids drink. If you want your child (and yourself!) to have a healthy body and healthy teeth Water should be their main beverage.
Was your child diagnosed with multiple cavities? If so they may need dental crowns but you probably don’t want your child to have a mouth full of metal. If your child needs more than four crowns, your dentist may not be able to treat them all with white crowns, but there is hope!
Most dentists offer white crowns for the four upper incisors. If your child has more than 4 cavities and you don’t like metal teeth, we can help; we are able to use beautiful white zirconia on all 20 of your child’s teeth if necessary. Email , text or Call us at (972)674-9965 for a consult with Dr. Baghai to find out how white crowns can change your child‘s life.